Monday Night Raw

Today me and my brothers and sister watched Monday night raw, a wrestling match with Bre Bella, Nikki Bella, vs Page and AJ Lee. We love to watch wrestling, we also play my brothers wrestling video games. We loved to see Bre and Nikki Bella win the match. I cant wait to see what will happen next Monday. If  you don’t watch I will be sure to update you.

The Stolen Galaxy

Don’t get up set no one stole the galaxy. Im talking about my brothers Galaxy S 2.

Here’s the story

Today My brother was playing football at the park with his friends

Typical boy

His game ended and went to go do something and he saw his phone was gone. He was like a rocket asking everyone if they seen his phone.

No luck 😥

Called my dad on a friends phone

Still no luck 😭

My mom called us home without finding it

Now to this minute (5:45) my brother is phone less and sad

By: Andrea Correa

Books for Me

Books. Something I have with or on my mind all day. I always have my face in one and I flip pages like crazy that I’m surprised I don’t have paper cuts all over my hands.

My grandma says its good to read.  I think she means that it makes you smarter. That’s not my reason. When I read I like to keep everything to myself. I don’t like writing down my thinking because I have a life.( Surprisingly. ) Reading gets me away from reality. I don’t have to share my connections. Thoughts. What it’s about. It or my life. Sometimes I don’t even have to remember the book. I just tell them my life. Most the books I read. Compare and contrast…not really a difference. I read how others feel. How they think. How to think different then me. What could help me. I get to be in my own world. I wouldn’t want to remember what I was thinking. It’s not real meaningful thinking if you have to write it down to remember it. You never know you might have some new thinking. It’s my egres. It’s hard. But I practiced.

By Ariana LeGrand


You know that moment when your doing a sport or something and something else comes up and you want to do that. Well your just like me then. So today I was in baseball practice and I just started staring thinking what I would be doing at football practice instead of being there with a bunch of sweaty musty pre- teens bossing everyone around like they own the place. I just know there was a moment like that in your life.💬💬💬💬💬.


You Are Who You Are

Wether you like it or not. You are who you are and you like it. As i have heard from my mom and dad. YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE. DONT change just because of what people say. For a few days i was taunted and i changed myself but it was just not me. Today i was reading a book called dork diarys 5th book and Nicky has her own avdice collem  and so the book was saying that you       shouldjust leave your self alone

By Alexis Martinez


You know how mothers are. Sometimes they are over protective and sometimes they are wrong and may for get a lot of things. But just thing. no offense but they are getting old. And if you are reading this you well agree on this. Anyway. Mothers can be funny but when they do you look like no you can’t. I know I do that a lot. sometimes they play fight with you and every body should know this about there mothers they are old school. And when I mean old school I mean old school music old school every thing. I know my mom does that. A lot.

By Towanda Tucker

The Perfect Weather

•The not cold or warm breeze that’s just right blowing in my face

•The weather where you don’t have to wear a jacket or coat.

• Just right

• Warm

• Time to go outside freely

•No more winter boots

• No more snow

• Time for most sports to start.

• Spring break

• Shorts weather.

•But most of all my favorite season.
